Skilled Trades Development Program (STDP)



The Skilled Trades Development Program (STDP) stands as a beacon of social innovation, demonstrating its remarkable efficacy in curbing recidivism rates among youth who have encountered the justice system in some of Toronto's most challenging neighbourhoods.

Mark Tenaglia and Joe Williams, the visionary founders and driving forces behind the Skilled Trades Development Program (STDP), have not only emerged as leading experts in reducing the rate of recidivism across Canada but also significantly contributed to increasing employment opportunities in the skilled trades sector. Their innovative leadership in the STDP has facilitated transformative pathways for marginalized individuals, enabling them to ascend into Canada's middle class through skilled trade careers. By integrating comprehensive rehabilitation strategies with vocational training, Tenaglia and Williams have crafted a program that not only mitigates reoffending but also fills critical gaps in the labor market. Their efforts in fostering partnerships, mentorship, and skill development among disenfranchised youths have been instrumental in both enhancing the skilled workforce and promoting social mobility. This dual impact of the STDP underscores its role as a catalyst for change, highlighting the program's commitment to creating a more inclusive and prosperous society through the empowerment of its participants.

This pioneering initiative has given rise to a novel and personalized model of intervention. At its heart, this approach centers around guiding young individuals on a transformative path through comprehensive partnerships that unite Trade Unions, and many other agencies in a collaborative effort.

This initiative has introduced a new, tailored approach to helping young people. It emphasizes leading them towards positive change through wide-ranging collaborations that include Trade Unions and various organizations working in unison. In response to the multifaceted and dynamic issues confronting today's youth, the program deploys a comprehensive array of engagement tactics. Throughout a year-long period, it deeply involves the young participants in a deliberate curriculum aimed at fostering deep personal transformation. The journey begins with mentorship to provide early guidance and support, laying the groundwork for their developmental journey. It then expands to include vocational training, giving them essential skills and hands-on experience. The culmination of this process is the provision of secure employment opportunities in a variety of skilled trades, a commitment made to every graduate of the program.

In essence, STDP is not merely a program; it's a beacon of hope and empowerment for justice-affected youth in challenging urban environments. By combining a tailored approach, diverse partnerships, and a comprehensive continuum of support, it offers these young individuals an opportunity to break free from cycles of incarceration and embark on a path toward stable and meaningful employment, personal growth, and a brighter future.

In summary, the STDP's multifaceted social development initiative represents a dedicated effort to break down the barriers faced by justice-involved individuals and provide them with the tools and opportunities necessary for personal growth and career advancement. This initiative aligns with broader societal goals of reducing recidivism, enhancing social inclusion, and fostering a more equitable and just society.

Revolutionary coaching and immersive mentorship program, harnessing time-tested strategies from the realms of entrepreneurship and the lessons passed down through generations of wealthy families. Our approach draws inspiration from ancient wisdom, which serves as the cornerstone of our program, guiding participants on a transformative journey toward securing their place within the Canadian middle class through opportunities in the skilled trades.


The core mission of the STDP is to empower justice-involved and at-risk individuals. This empowerment extends beyond merely providing them with job opportunities; it encompasses building their confidence, equipping them with essential life skills, and fostering a sense of self-worth. The STDP believes that true transformation begins with the individual's belief in their ability to succeed.

Meaningful Mentorship

A central pillar of the STDP's approach is the provision of meaningful mentoring. This goes beyond the conventional mentor-mentee relationship. STDP mentors are carefully selected and trained to provide personalized guidance, encouragement, and emotional support. They help participants navigate the challenges they face, both in their personal lives and in their efforts to build a career.

Barrier Removal

The STDP recognizes the unique barriers that justice-involved and at-risk individuals encounter when seeking employment. These may include criminal records, limited education, or a lack of work experience. The initiative works tirelessly to address these barriers, offering support such as legal assistance, educational opportunities, and hands-on training. 

Sustainable Career Development

The ultimate goal is not just to secure immediate employment but to pave the way for sustainable career development. Participants are encouraged to set long-term career goals, and the STDP provides ongoing support to help them achieve these objectives. This includes assistance with career planning, job placements, and access to resources for personal and professional growth.

Collaboration with the Construction Skill Trade Sector

Recognizing the potential of the construction skill trade sector to offer viable career opportunities, the STDP has forged strong partnerships with key players in this industry. These collaborations involve industry experts, employers, and training institutions. The aim is to create a seamless pathway for program participants to access training, apprenticeships, and eventual employment in construction-related fields.

The STDP's multifaceted social development initiative is a testament to its commitment to social justice and the belief that everyone deserves a chance at redemption and a meaningful life. By combining mentorship, collaboration with the construction industry, and a holistic approach to empowerment, the organization is creating tangible pathways for individuals to break free from the cycle of incarceration and unlock their full potential as valuable members of society.

Skilled Trades Development Program (STDP)

Applicant requirements

Applicants must:

  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada
  • Want to begin an exciting career in the skilled trades
  • Be 18 to 29 years old
  • Have completed grade 10 education 
  • Be a resident of Ontario, living in the Greater Toronto Area and have the ability to travel within the GTA
  • Be a justice-involved individual (someone who has had interactions with the criminal justice system as an accused person, including those who have been convicted of an criminal offence)
  • Have higher elevated risk factors in becoming criminally involved
  • Be willing to be placed into a apprenticeships training program within the skilled trades
Apply Today!

Confidentiality: Any confidential information requested is for our records and for the funding our organization receives. The answers you provide will be kept completely confidential. Your co-operation in providing this information is both appreciated and necessary.

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